St Clement’s Parish Woodland
The Procureurs would like to give you all an update as to where we are with the Woodland. We apologise for the delay, but we have been waiting to see how the planted trees have progressed after the drought from last Summer and the Winter.
Unfortunately, we have lost some of the trees that have been sponsored due to the weather conditions. We will be replacing them in November. If you wish to check your tree, we will be at the Woodland on Monday 22nd May between 5pm-7pm.
For those who have submitted forms and have not been allocated your trees we will be having our next session on Monday 22nd May between 5pm and 7pm.
There will be additional forms at the Parish Hall for anyone who has not applied for a tree and would like one.
For any further information please call Sandra Mathew on 07797725868 or email: