Twinning – Visit by Cancale

We will be welcoming 35 visitors from Cancale on Thursday 19 September as part of our twinning relationship. Please find the itinerary described below. We will require some help with transport during the day and appreciate the offer of those who have already come forward. If you can help in any way, please contact me on [email protected] or 07797 736 316. Please do come along and meet them too during the day and pray for good weather.

Thank you




Itinerary for the day

8.30am.     Arrival at Jersey harbour. (Transport requit près to St Clements Parish hall)

9-9.45.      Welcome and bacon rolls for visitors and drivers

8.45-11.45. Friendly pétanque match and trips to Gorey or town for non- pétanque

players. Transport required for drop off and pick up.

12.00.       Aperitifs at parish hall. Parishioners welcome to join in.

12.30.       Lunch at Ambassadeur Hotel. £30 pp. Parishioners welcome. Please book

with parish hall office (Phone 854724) five working days before event and settle

with the Hotel on the day.

Transport required to and from hotel.

2.30.-2.45 Return to parish hall. Small group to go to Rue du Presbytère for official

opening of Rue de Cancale. Space limited for crowds and parking. Those not

involved could go on to St Clements Church either walking or driven for

tree planting in memory of Len Norman. Church will be open and a guided

history in French available.

Some may prefer, after lunch to stay near the parish hall, go on the

beach, have leisurely drink and chat etc. To be decided on the day.

4.00.        Everyone to meet back at parish hall to prepare for departure

Transport to harbour required. They must be there by 4.30pm.

Thank you
